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Home » MSN Backgammon: The Ultimate Guide to Game Rules and How to Play

MSN Backgammon: The Ultimate Guide to Game Rules and How to Play

Welcome to the ultimate guide on MSN Backgammon, where we dive into the classic board game’s rules and strategies for playing online. Backgammon, one of the oldest known board games, continues to captivate players worldwide with its blend of luck and skill. Whether you’re a beginner aiming to understand the basics or an advanced player looking to sharpen your strategy, this comprehensive guide will navigate through the essentials of playing Backgammon on MSN.

The Basics of Backgammon

Before you start playing MSN Backgammon, understanding the game’s fundamental rules is crucial. Backgammon is played on a board consisting of 24 narrow triangles called points. The board is divided into four quadrants of six points each. Players move their 15 checkers according to rolls of two dice.

  • Objective: The primary goal is to move all your checkers into your home board and then bear them off (remove them from the board).
  • Starting Position: Each player starts with two checkers on their 24-point, five on their 13-point, three on their 8-point, and five on their 6-point.
  • The Roll: Players alternate turns, rolling two six-sided dice to determine their moves.
  • Hitting and Entering: Landing on a point occupied by a single opposing checker sends that checker to the bar. The knocked player must then enter the checker onto the board starting from the opponent’s home board.
  • Bearing Off: Once all of a player’s checkers are in their home board, they can start bearing off according to the rolls they get.

How to Play MSN Backgammon

MSN offers a digital platform where you can play Backgammon online either against computer opponents or real players from around the globe. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log in to MSN Games and navigate to the Backgammon page.
  2. Choose to play a “Rated Game” (which affects your ranking) or a “Friendly Game” (which doesn’t).
  3. Select your opponent. You can invite a friend or get matched with an opponent online.
  4. Start playing by following the standard rules of Backgammon as outlined above.

Tips and Strategies

While luck plays a significant role in Backgammon due to the dice rolls, implementing strategies can greatly increase your chances of winning. Here are some tactics to consider:

  • Be Aggressive Early On: Try to hit your opponent’s blots (solo checkers) early in the game to set them back.
  • Build a Strong Home Board: Make your home board as impenetrable as possible by getting two or more checkers on each point.
  • Control the Center: Holding the points in the center of the board gives you more options for moving your checkers.
  • Balanced Bearing Off: When you’re bearing off, try to maintain a balance about which checker you remove from the board depending on your dice roll.


MSN Backgammon provides a fantastic platform for both new and experienced players to enjoy this ancient game in the modern digital age. Understanding the basic rules of Backgammon and employing strategic play will greatly enhance your gaming experience. So roll the dice, move strategically, and may the best player win. Dive into the world of MSN Backgammon today and embark on a journey filled with fun, strategy, and competition.

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